gaudy god

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Chicago Looks

A #Fashion Pep Talk From Gaudy God

Source: Chicago Looks
March 14th, 2013

Chicago Looks is always proud to present Matt Kasin's always glorious collaboration for this blog - see 1st and 2nd installments here and here

Matt (aka Gaudy God) is a fashion designer, filmmaker and stylist with a self-described "expensive bad taste". He is inspired by pop culture, John Waters, Versace and Italian horror films. He believes in fashion as a religion and salvation from the everyday mundane. He owns two online clothing stores filled with original and vintage garments: Gaudy God and a 90s concept store inspired by Clueless called THE MALL.

When Matt is not working on his online fashion empire he's incessantly coming up with original concepts. His latest invention is an "Instazine", made exclusively for his Instagram followers. The first issue - entitled "The Selfie Issue" - is being launched daily from March 5th through the 16th. Followers are able to instantly interact with the publication, Instagram style. 

See a bit of it below and more @gaudygod

"About this time of year, when I feel like I’m trapped in the Overlook Hotel from The Shining, with endless bright-white-non-sunny-winter-days… I start dreaming of summer and the clothes, or lack of them.  To cope with this horrible condition I turn to Versace as my #fashion medication.

It should come as no surprise that I’m a Versace addict.  The gaudy use of pattern, print, color, and gold has always been my drug of choice.  Plus, ever since Donatella started putting skinny, pale boys the runway, I no longer feel the need to attempt to be a tan Italian Stallion.

So hit the gym, buy a new bathing suit online, turn up the heat, and wear it around your apartment.  The snow will melt soon my dear Chicagoans and when it does we will be ready, because let’s face it, there is nothing better than a Chicago summer."

xxx gg