Tres Awesome

More Secret Shopping with The Gaudy God

Source: Tres Awesome Blog
By Emma Arnold
November 23rd, 2010

The holidays are fast approaching, and if you're like me, you probably have some discerning fashion divas on your list.  Get them some uniquely trashy and fabulous items from The Gaudy God, run by film/fashion student Matt Kasin.

Without a doubt, the best thing that Gaudy God sells are these tank tops with family snapshots from the 80's printed on them. They are evocative and weird, and showcase some pretty spectacular get-ups. Each tank comes with a story that explains what was happening when the picture was taken.

I bought the one entitled "FU Wedding Rehearsal". The Gaudy God's Mom is on the far left in red and white, flippng us the bird. Oddly enough, I used to rock the sweater version of this dress a couple of years ago.

The GG's Mom just happened to be in town and was kind enough to autograph the tag.

Want to learn more about The Gaudy God? He is literally all over the internet!


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